Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Peaceful Tahiti

Here in the islands we're doing pretty well: not involved in any wars, the weather varies from nice to really nice, and the Nutella is not that expensive sometimes.

My mission motto: low-maintenance, high-yield.  I can officially drive stick-shift! That means at this point in my life I can basically drive any type of vehicle now, including golf carts. President and Sister Sinjioux taught a family home evening for the family of one of our recent converts and at the end of the lesson 4 people wanted to get baptized. We're starting the lessons with them this week! And the miracles continue.

I hope everyone is doing really well and recognizing all of the little amazing things in every day. If you want to add a little something to your mornings, take up running. Running in the morning is such a refreshing way to get your day going. If not running, do yoga or facial exercises or something for your health.
Person highlight: President Sinjioux
Literally the best Mission President in the world. He is calm, patient, spiritual, and speaks English. With a little breakdown this past week he was right there with me and very understanding. He has so much to do but he genuinely cares about every single person with whom he talks and interacts. He has set a "Standard of Excellence" for us missionaries and he knows we can accomplish it.  I love President Sinjioux!!
Little side note: Janani and Lowell, LOVE the letters but no return address information/email doesnt work. Please send. Janani: I want to hear more about your SGB. Lowell: more life observations, please.
1. Double rainbow.
2. A nice card someone gave me