Thursday, June 19, 2014

Happy Fathers Day

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of you great Papas out there, especially mine! 

Fathers, you matter so much in the life of your children. What you do or don't do affects them profoundly and please don't ever take that lightly. 

My dad is so amazing. I'm actually crying right now because I love him so much. He has taken care of me my entire life, he has literally wiped away my tears, he has loved my mother, he listens so well, he keeps a journal that lets me know that he observes and appreciates events that happen to him, he sets ambitious goals and he accomplishes them, he loves me and tells me all the time. I'm the luckiest kid on the planet to have the family that I have. Every single member of my family is so important to me. The other day I remembered how Hales would flip her hair over his forehead like long bangs and he would tell us surfer stories. Everyone, tell your dad how much you love him. 

Tahiti is strange and beautiful, I'm learning heaps. Heaps and heaps. I love my family more than ever and I'm so excited to see all of you againnnnn. 

1. Two Things: my picture art book and my mosquito repellant, my two must-haves in this mission (after the Spirit and the scriptures). 

2. Oh look, its those three MTC companions together again! Transfers earlier today. 

3. Moorea Mountains, forgot to send this picture. Sunbeams.

Bit of an emotional ride this week. I appreciate the hard stuff, I learn a lot. One of the best parts of this week was the Young Women program on Sunday for Father's Day and one girl was sad because her dad had to be at work but her mom said if he had been there he would have cried. No biggie, I cried for her because my Dad wasnt there either. 

I feel like this is a good time to explain why the heck I'm on a little island in the middle of the ocean, serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Simply, I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and I know that God speaks to us, his children, today. He always has and He always will. I know that he is a loving Heavenly Father. I know that the Book of Mormon is a true book that helps us to become better and to feel God's love more clearly in our lives. That's why I'm over here in Tahiti and that's why I am not with my amazing and loving family. Even when it is really hard, discussing the gospel is my favorite thing to do.  

I love you all! 
Soeur Carter