Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Heavens and a Baptism

Hey there!

I'm going on 2 weeks in Taravao 1 with Soeur Wahl and I could not be happier. I still have this problem where I'm tempted to laugh in lessons because Soeur Wahl is so adorable but I bite my lip and manage to get it together. Usually. 

1. Hope you all got to see the Lunar Eclipse! If not, you're welcome to squint your eyes at this NASA-quality photo.

2. A fruit here called "oeil du dragon" (dragon eye) and it's delicious. 
3. More fruit love. That is papaya and it's sooooo good with lemon juice squeezed on top. 
4. Our baptism yesterday for Hitirere that was so powerful, I was weeping. Our lessons are so intense with him, but he is definitely a future Bishop. Even our Stake President Tupai thinks so. (Someone was desperate to talk with him on the phone so he did the best he could haha.)

5. A little out of order, but here is a font picture. His beautiful wife is the lace shirt up front, she's so French. 

6. Classic refreshments after a baptism, cheetos are usually present. Thought you might want to know!
I am doing super well. Tomorrow marks ONE YEAR IN TAHITI. The other day someone told me my Tahitian was better than my French. Haha thanks cute old Tahitian Mami. :) 

My attempt to be more spiritual in letters home: 2 Corinthians 5:17
"Si quelqu'un est en Christ; il est une nouvelle créature. Les choses anciennes sont passées; voici, toutes choses sont devenues nouvelles." You change completely when you accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your life, you become a new creature. You become better. Your vision of things becomes crystal-clear and eternal. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is 1) faith in Jesus Christ and in His Atonement 2) repentance 3) baptism 4) the gift of the Holy Ghost and obedience for the rest of your life until you pass on in to the eternities. 

This Church is true and Brandon Flowers from the band The Killers knows it too.
eternal love,
Soeur Carter