Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Bonjour, My name is Sister Carter, I am a missionary serving in French Polynesia, I love watching People Movies on www.mormon.org, and I'm a Mormon.

SO, super short this week on account of the fact that I am addicted to mormon.org clips. Desolée.

I am with Soeur Derrick right now who is going to be an elementary school teacher after the mission and she has bright blue eyes! We love to discuss educational things and the Gospel.

Person highlight: Mami Grace
We're at her house right now because we use her computers every P-day for our emails. She's fantastic! She cut up mangoes for us, she has a really good-smelling incense stick burning right now, and she loves missionaries. She has a bookshelf FULL of cookbooks and she speaks English! She's a really good Mami to us. We love you, Mami Grace. 

Outer Island News: Sr N is in Raiatea and ate fafaru and she has to maneuver her bike around crushed crabs on the road. 

Everybody, lots of fraternal love for all of you. I hope all of you take the time to check out the "I'm a Mormon" videos, theyre seriously so great.
Study hard and don't forget about Valentine's Day that is coming up, I expect a hand-made card from everybody. Just kidding, your call. 

Soeur Carter
1. Map of the sector that my cute former-comp Sr. N drew for me!! Thank goodness, I need it.

2. Sr N and I found a ton of multi-colored Tahitian mumus and thats all I sleep in now.