I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season and baking a lot of things. We have been cooking up Mautini (the long pumpkin) and realized comp Soeur Taylor has the Gift of Making Pumpkin Bread. We even found a little Christmas tree in one of the cupboards so we set that up and strung a whole thing of lights around it. There is a button on the light string so you can make it flash in different sequences.
So this past week has been crazy. We had massive highs and massive lows with our investigators and their progression. I really feel like there is a huge power force in Tahiti right now, the Second Coming could really happen any day now and it would not surprise me in the least. Everybody read your scriptures and say your prayers, I mean it.
1. Gorgeous red-flower-tree outside a lesson.
I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season and baking a lot of things. We have been cooking up Mautini (the long pumpkin) and realized comp Soeur Taylor has the Gift of Making Pumpkin Bread. We even found a little Christmas tree in one of the cupboards so we set that up and strung a whole thing of lights around it. There is a button on the light string so you can make it flash in different sequences.
So this past week has been crazy. We had massive highs and massive lows with our investigators and their progression. I really feel like there is a huge power force in Tahiti right now, the Second Coming could really happen any day now and it would not surprise me in the least. Everybody read your scriptures and say your prayers, I mean it.
1. Gorgeous red-flower-tree outside a lesson.
2. Puppy sitting on my lap right now while I do my email. There are puppies EVERYWHERE right now.
3. Adorable picture of Soeur T and Soeur F after their split when they had to bike in the rain all day! (Soeur W and I had our Leader's Meeting in Papeete)
We had Nuihau's baptism this past Saturday and it was POWERFUL. (Nuihau: training to be a police officer in France, goes to university, his friend/member integrator is a return missionary) He has such a solid testimony and he is so motivated to do so much more with his life now. His testimony had us all crying and laughing because it was such a dramtic change in his life but he also said that he had rejected missionaries several times before but then the SISTER missionaries came and changed everything, flattered. I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and Soeur T gave the talk on baptism. We picked up 2 other sister missionaries and sang a musical number (dont know how I keep getting involved with the singing stuff) "Oh, j'ai besoin de toi" which is "I Need Thee Every Hour." I am so proud of him!!
4. Right before Nuihau's baptism! Don't ask me why my bun is way off to the side of my head, I don't know.
5. My godson, Kaleb!!!
6. Moi et Moorea, the island just next-door.

I only had zeka for a tiny moment, prayers and the priesthood work. I was semi-functioning for a total of 3 days and then I was right back in business. This Church is more true than you know, read the Book of Mormon and live the Gospel to know for yourself. Take care of yourselves during the holiday season and remember to recycle.
love, Soeur Carter
P.S. There is a huge surprise that I am right in the middle of doing but Im not sure how much I can explain in this moment so stay tuned until next P-day. :)